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"When I came to FAA, I weighed over 400 pounds. I had done everything I could think of. I lost a hundred pounds several times, had participated in clinical studies, had tried diets of all kinds, but the weight would always come back. Throughout my efforts, I would experience hunger and cravings constantly. I drove to my first FAA convention because I could not fit comfortably in a seat on an airplane. I came desperate for a solution. When I found FAA and heard about the biochemical aspect of this disease, I found my first ray of hope in years. When I heard the definition of food addiction, I knew I was a food addict. It was a huge relief to finally understand why I ate the way I did. Abstaining from the addictive substances and following a weighed and measured food plan works. Focusing on my physical, emotional and spiritual recovery with the help of my Higher Power and the FAA fellowship has worked for me. I have lost 230 pounds and have now been the same weight for over 2 years."

"I led a very happy life before coming to FAA. However, despite a long wonderful marriage, good relationships with our children and national awards in my profession, I could not control my weight. I tried every diet program imaginable and several food anonymous programs. I had come to the conclusion I would die early, but I knew I had done everything I could to find a solution. I now have been abstinent for nearly five years. I went from a size 2X down to a size 6-8 and have worn the same clothing for years. I never have cravings for junk food. Most importantly, the quality of my life has improved dramatically. I am now free from pain in my feet, extremely healthy and active. I have not sustained this amount of weight loss ever in my life."


"I was 15 when

I came into the program 4

years ago, overweight and ashamed of my

body. I didn't want to hang out with friends or go to any social events. I experienced terrible anxiety in school because I was so self conscious. I couldn't understand why, at my age, my legs would hurt and my back would ache. I had no clarity of thinking and I was miserable and ashamed of my bingeing behavior. My life is so much happier now. I have a much greater sense of clarity, and the black cloud that always seemed to hang over my head has gone away. I am slowly gaining a better sense of self esteem, and I'm letting go of my obsession with food. Being diligent with my program is not always easy, but one thing I know for sure:

Nothing tastes as good

as abstinence feels."


"I was sober from alcohol in a Twelve Step program for a long time and realized that my food was a problem for me. I also realized that I needed a program specific to my food issues. I also came to realize that I wasn't truly sober as long as I was abusing food. I finally found the solution at FAA. I can't tell you how much of difference abstinence through FAA has made for me."

"I have never been overweight. I lost and gained the same 5 to 15 pounds for over twenty years. I ate normally around friends, but binged in secret. I used laxatives in an attempt to control my weight for six years before almost dying from an overdose. My moods were a constant yo-yo and the bingeing led to chronic depression and suicidal despair. At 31, with broken relationships, wasted education, a total lack of morals, and numerous relapses, I became willing to do what worked for others. I have almost six months of abstinence from sugar, wheat, and flour. I resisted weighing and measuring my food for so long, yet it has given me the freedom to live life. As I work the Steps with my sponsor, I am changing into a new person with more positive responses to work and relationships. God has healed me emotionally, physically, and spiritually beyond my dreams. God has given me joy and the courage to start facing reality and my responsibilities. He has also brought a clarity that I crave more than the food."


"I was a hundred pounds overweight, a diabetic with high blood pressure, and on medications for both problems. But I came to FAA because I was worried about my wife’s weight problems and went to the first meeting to be supportive. Once I heard the experience, strength and hope of another food addict, I knew I needed to be there. Once abstinent I didn’t have any blood sugar problems. I lost one hundred pounds and went off all the medications. My doctor has stated that I am no longer diabetic and that based on my tests, I am ten years younger than my chronological age. Most importantly, I lead a healthier life. And yes, my wife also lost over one hundred pounds."

"I was 4’ 10” and nearly 400 pounds. Besides being diabetic and morbidly obese, my ankles were continuously swollen and I had the beginning signs of neuropathy in my toes. I had very little mobility and had been homebound for nearly four years. I used a cane and had panic attacks when I left my home. I was on five medications for diabetes, more medications for cholesterol and blood pressure. I had been diagnosed at age 37 with borderline congestive heart failure. I have been abstinent for over three years. My blood sugar levels have been normal and I take a fraction of the medications that I had previously. I go out normally, have become more active and have not had any panic attacks since becoming abstinent. My doctor has said that if I continue on this program I will likely go off all the diabetic medications. I believe I would not be alive today had I not found FAA."

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