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Welcome to
Food Addicts Anonymous

Food Addicts Anonymous (FAA) is a fellowship of men and women willing to recover from the disease of food addiction. We are not addicted to foods in general but to specific substances, namely sugar, flour, wheat. FAA believes that the disease of food addiction is biochemical in nature and not a moral or character defect.


We have a solution that is not temporary, but a way of life that will allow us to heal from this disease. This Twelve Step program believes that food addiction can be managed by abstaining from (eliminating) addictive foods, following a program of sound nutrition (a food plan), and working the Twelve Steps of the program.

Please click here for up-to-date meeting information

If you...


- are a person who has struggled for years to eat healthy foods and maintain

a healthy weight, Food Addicts Anonymous may be the place for you.

- are someone that binges by eating large quantities of sweets or starches, you

may find that FAA offers a solution.

- are person who purges their body by extreme measures such as vomiting,

laxatives or excessive exercise, you are not alone and may find comfort and

support in our fellowship.

- have found yourself limiting your intake of foods and have people in your

life telling you that you need to eat more, you may find value and hope in this


You are not alone. There's hope--and we're here to help.

Are you a food addict?

Click here 

for more info

FAA World Service Office - - 772.878.9657
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